Friday, December 11, 2015

Get Out While You Can!

I'm sitting here staring at my computer screen pondering how to address this topic in an intelligent manner. My colleague Kayla did a great job to not allow this idiot to get her out of character. However, Donald Trump makes my skin crawl. It is absolutely sickening to see how our society is literally backtracking, slowly regressing. The same issues we dealt with 100 years ago are the same issues we're dealing with today, it just has a slightly different appearance.

Do we honestly want a man, who on numerous occasions has proven himself to be very prejudice against minorities to be the leader of our nation? He thinks the presidency is another one of his entertainment fiascos, which is exactly what's going to happen here. We cannot take this man seriously.

A #BLACKLIVESMATTERS protestor is "disgusting."

Shall I continue? Is this what our people want? How can I be proud to be an American? Our people are brainwashed! Lunatics! People don't care about equality and they don't care about progressing forward in our society. This has been the mindset for decades, it has only innovated itself to keep up with the time change. We have been reliving this same cycle since our land became a nation. Electing Donald Trump, that cycle will remain intact. Our Founding Fathers have every reason to be disappointed in my opinion. We have come a long way to turn back around. Trump in office would be a mockery to our government.  However, we'll have front row seats to the best show ever...Our Society Replaying History.  

It breaks my heart that I've come to this realization and that I have to end my last blog of the semester with this but, the words of a man who is near and dear to my heart literally just sank in. He said, "The American dream, my American dream, is to get the hell out of America!" All I can say to that is, take me with you!

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