Friday, October 30, 2015

Let's Agree to Agree

Ah HA! More statistics on the inequality here in America! Inequality goes beyond skin color to the extreme of differentiating body parts! Surprising? Of course not. Why must women be paid less than men? Statistics prove that women are substantially smarter then men. That reason alone is enough for women to be paid equally if not more then men. One male, one female working the exact same job, fulfilling the exact same duties but the woman is being paid less than the man. Who was the genius to come up with this?

I agree with my colleague Kayla. In her commentary, "Support Gap Jeans, Not Gender Pay Gaps" she states that all companies should adopt a transparent salary policy that will help monitor all the inequality going around. There's so much secrecy in our society. Our nation isn't practicing what it preaches, "equality and justice for all."  This will be a way that will show the true colors of our diluted "equality."  There should not be one person in this country who is treated differently or paid differently based off the color of their skin, their gender, religious beliefs or sexual preferences. How can you expect people to fulfill their duties at the best of their abilities if they aren't being treated fairly?

The history of equality in America is pretty sad. From women, African-Americans, immigrants and gays, the road to equality has been a struggle since our nation began. It will continue until our people stand up and demand a change. Our closed mouths will never get fed. The government will continue discrimination because we don't seem to care. It is time for a change.

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