Friday, October 2, 2015

Another Tragedy

As we all know by now, there was another heartbreaking gun shooting  at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. The author of this editorial is clearing screaming out to our public and to our government that a change needs to happen. How many more "tragedies" due to the lack of gun control is going to happen before our government sets down some serious laws?

The author did not exactly give us details about the shooting. However, he gave us a quick history lesson on the 294 mass-shootings that have occurred so far in 2015 alone.  This is just a handful of incidences that have happened from the lack of gun control. Another handful of gun shootings come from murders, assaults, suicides and accidents according to the Mass Shooting Tracker. The author lets it be known that our congress has still refused to instate sensible gun control laws. Our own president made the comment, "I hope and pray that I don't have to come out again to offer my condolences to families under these circumstances. However, based on my experience as president, I can't guarantee that." This alone says a mouthful.

It is time for a change. It is time for our government to come up with a solution to these disasters. It is time for our government to protect its people! Congress needs to pass a law that makes it difficult to acquire weapons for those who wake up in a bad mood and feel the need to shoot up innocent people. There's one simple fact, the availability of guns for these kind of people is far too easy to come by. This author clearly states, he is sick of waiting for congress to enact laws that will combat this crisis of gun violence. He wants us Americans to come together and do something. In my opinion, it doesn't get much smarter than that. 

Save our innocents and punish the guilty. Simple.

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