Friday, December 11, 2015

Get Out While You Can!

I'm sitting here staring at my computer screen pondering how to address this topic in an intelligent manner. My colleague Kayla did a great job to not allow this idiot to get her out of character. However, Donald Trump makes my skin crawl. It is absolutely sickening to see how our society is literally backtracking, slowly regressing. The same issues we dealt with 100 years ago are the same issues we're dealing with today, it just has a slightly different appearance.

Do we honestly want a man, who on numerous occasions has proven himself to be very prejudice against minorities to be the leader of our nation? He thinks the presidency is another one of his entertainment fiascos, which is exactly what's going to happen here. We cannot take this man seriously.

A #BLACKLIVESMATTERS protestor is "disgusting."

Shall I continue? Is this what our people want? How can I be proud to be an American? Our people are brainwashed! Lunatics! People don't care about equality and they don't care about progressing forward in our society. This has been the mindset for decades, it has only innovated itself to keep up with the time change. We have been reliving this same cycle since our land became a nation. Electing Donald Trump, that cycle will remain intact. Our Founding Fathers have every reason to be disappointed in my opinion. We have come a long way to turn back around. Trump in office would be a mockery to our government.  However, we'll have front row seats to the best show ever...Our Society Replaying History.  

It breaks my heart that I've come to this realization and that I have to end my last blog of the semester with this but, the words of a man who is near and dear to my heart literally just sank in. He said, "The American dream, my American dream, is to get the hell out of America!" All I can say to that is, take me with you!

Sunday, November 29, 2015

They Die On the Field, They Die At Home.

Millions of Americans have shown patriotism by serving our country. There isn't a day that goes by that a person doesn't enlist in the Army, Marines, Navy or Air Force. They put their lives on the line to protect our nation. Those of us who stay at home when we're at war have no idea what our soldiers are dealing with when they're across seas. We can only imagine the horror they experience, the sacrifices they face and the character changing decisions they make day to day. These men and women give everything for the protection of our country. So, why is it that we treat them so poorly when they return home?

Our national government recruits these men and women. They train them, and send them to fight. When they return home, our government disowns them. The majority of these men and women suffer from serious PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), along with a lot of psychological problems. This alone is enough reasoning for them to be denied employment. A lot of veterans have the toughest time re-adapting to society when they get back. War changes people in more ways not known by experts. These people should be able to turn to our government for assistance. However, this isn't the case. Our government turns their backs on our Veterans. If these men and women haven't lost their lives on the battlefield, it isn't long before they lose their lives due to homelessness, suicides or substance abuse. The U.S. government should do everything possible to take care of those who have taken care of our country. Regardless if its psychological help that's needed, housing assistance or healthcare. Our government should fight for those who have fought for us.

Veterans are supposed to receive health and financial benefits once they go on inactive duty. However,  our government has set up loop holes that denies and robs these men and women of their benefits. I have friends and family who have been waiting for years just to find out if they are approved or denied for their benefits. It's sad that we don't respect our Veterans enough to assist them. What is the meaning for Veterans Day if we have millions of Veterans living on the street, killing themselves or self destructing from drugs? It isn't about barbeques or family gatherings. It is about showing the respect, love and support for those who have made it possible to live the lives we live everyday. The least our government can do is repay them for all that they have lost by giving the help where it's needed. There should not be a single homeless Veteran in the United States.

They have suffered enough while being away in foreign disastrous places. Therefore, when they return they should be treated as heroes, as people of importance who have done their duty by serving our country!

Friday, October 30, 2015

Let's Agree to Agree

Ah HA! More statistics on the inequality here in America! Inequality goes beyond skin color to the extreme of differentiating body parts! Surprising? Of course not. Why must women be paid less than men? Statistics prove that women are substantially smarter then men. That reason alone is enough for women to be paid equally if not more then men. One male, one female working the exact same job, fulfilling the exact same duties but the woman is being paid less than the man. Who was the genius to come up with this?

I agree with my colleague Kayla. In her commentary, "Support Gap Jeans, Not Gender Pay Gaps" she states that all companies should adopt a transparent salary policy that will help monitor all the inequality going around. There's so much secrecy in our society. Our nation isn't practicing what it preaches, "equality and justice for all."  This will be a way that will show the true colors of our diluted "equality."  There should not be one person in this country who is treated differently or paid differently based off the color of their skin, their gender, religious beliefs or sexual preferences. How can you expect people to fulfill their duties at the best of their abilities if they aren't being treated fairly?

The history of equality in America is pretty sad. From women, African-Americans, immigrants and gays, the road to equality has been a struggle since our nation began. It will continue until our people stand up and demand a change. Our closed mouths will never get fed. The government will continue discrimination because we don't seem to care. It is time for a change.

Racial Injustice

Why is it that two people of different color can commit the same crime but receive two different sentences? It is no secret that our criminal justice system is racially biased. Our prison system is the modern day version of slavery. It is set up in a way to keep our minorities in repetitive bondage. According to a case study, "African Americans make up 30% of the population, but account for 60% of those in prison. Black defendants receive longer sentences than white defendants."  There are many people who will argue that this isn't discriminatory. There's the belief that white people are more law-abiding than people of color and that they commit less serious crimes. True or false? I believe this isn't true. We've all witnessed cases of people of different color committing a crime and the white person will be granted probation while the person of color will receive a sentence of 15 years to life in prison. What sense does this make?

Racial bias is evident in almost all courtrooms across the country. People continue to say racial discrimination doesn't exist anymore. Believe it or not, statistics don't lie. It is time for reform. A serious change is needed in our criminal system. Equality is something that should be practiced in every way imaginable. Whether it be in the employment system, education system and everyday life. This could be dissected into many categories such as the current police brutality cases and the everyday law salary/wages. It is evident that equality and justice isn't dispersed equally. If you are a person of color, and prosecuted over a simple marijuana charge the chances of you getting sentenced to life in prison is substantially higher than a white persons sentence for committing the same crime. It's blasphemy! The judges who prosecute these cases will deny it, but they allow race to be a factor in how they will move forward with a case. Another case study about judges has proven that these judges are more likely to sentence an African-American to prison for a drug charge than they would a white person for the same charge.

Kind of makes you think, how far have we really come in racial discrimination? It still exist. African-Americans may not be working in cotton fields, being whipped by slave masters or refused to the right to vote. But we are still in slavery in a sense, it has just taken on a new modern face.

Please do not misunderstand my opinion for favoritism of people of color. I am a firm believer in, "If you do the crime, you should do the time," regardless of your color! However, let the time served behind the crime be equally dispersed to any person of whatever color you may be. Black, yellow, orange, white, brown, whatever! Our justice system ought to be color blind. That will be the only way for justice to be served fairly.

Friday, October 16, 2015

Well, Damn!

I knew I was not the only sane person in this world (I say that jokingly). Recognizing the Racialized Reality of the American Dream is by far what I hope the mindset of all Americans to one day possess. It is no secret that after years of fighting for equality, we still lack the very thing that our ancestors died for. In this case it is the ability to live a life of liberty and equal opportunity.  This is nothing short of a cry out to our population as a whole. If a "Caucasian" woman born into wealth, blind to racism can come to the realization that it still exist, why not the rest of our society?

Madelynne Wager, the author of this article, came to this realization by living in South Africa for a couple months. She was astonished about how the paleness of her skin was the golden ticket to success. "I recognized Americans system of privilege. I understood that decades of policies allowed my family to acquire wealth, while largely excluding African Americans." Being in the segregated areas of South Africa, she could easily see the similarities that we have here in America. She worked no more than the average Joe (black) did but in a matter of months she had a corner office while "Joe" remained a gardener working from 6 in the morning to 7 in the evening. You would like to think that she could've had a better personality than Joe, or was more dedicated, or even it could've been her looks. Too bad that is so far from the truth. She came to the understanding that the color of her skin regardless of her work ethic was all it required.

The majority of our population may not think that racism still exists. However, there is a strong possibility that we are hindered by deception. There is a mirage of equality that our American society portrays. Underneath the "perfect", imperfect vision of the "American Dream" lies the historic and present injustices of inequality that continue to contaminate our society. Whether you choose to believe it or not, there are invisible barriers within our communities that we refuse to accept is there. White privilege has not ceased to exist, it has just taken on another, more subtle form.

The American Dream goes as such, "Life, Liberty & the Pursuit of Happiness". According to Wager, this dream is severely deflated by moral contradiction. This dream is merely a broken promise to our general population. Similar to 40 acres and mule! *drops mic

Friday, October 2, 2015

Another Tragedy

As we all know by now, there was another heartbreaking gun shooting  at Umpqua Community College in Oregon. The author of this editorial is clearing screaming out to our public and to our government that a change needs to happen. How many more "tragedies" due to the lack of gun control is going to happen before our government sets down some serious laws?

The author did not exactly give us details about the shooting. However, he gave us a quick history lesson on the 294 mass-shootings that have occurred so far in 2015 alone.  This is just a handful of incidences that have happened from the lack of gun control. Another handful of gun shootings come from murders, assaults, suicides and accidents according to the Mass Shooting Tracker. The author lets it be known that our congress has still refused to instate sensible gun control laws. Our own president made the comment, "I hope and pray that I don't have to come out again to offer my condolences to families under these circumstances. However, based on my experience as president, I can't guarantee that." This alone says a mouthful.

It is time for a change. It is time for our government to come up with a solution to these disasters. It is time for our government to protect its people! Congress needs to pass a law that makes it difficult to acquire weapons for those who wake up in a bad mood and feel the need to shoot up innocent people. There's one simple fact, the availability of guns for these kind of people is far too easy to come by. This author clearly states, he is sick of waiting for congress to enact laws that will combat this crisis of gun violence. He wants us Americans to come together and do something. In my opinion, it doesn't get much smarter than that. 

Save our innocents and punish the guilty. Simple.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Turn Up At Church

This is supposed to be a persuasive post on why you all should read a short article about why Churches shouldn't have tax exemptions. However, while reading this article it infuriated me. Hopefully my argument will be enough persuasion to get ya'll to check this article out. The author of this article Miranda Fleischer not only degraded the church but compared it to a night club. It doesn't get any more disrespectful than that.

By law we must pay taxes. However, there are a few organizations that are exempt from taxes, churches being one of them. Churches are a place of worship and not only that, they reach out to communities, providing aid to the poor. In a sense this takes a load off the governments back. Why tax them for doing good?

It is not in denial that all Churches are pure. However, the good outweighs the bad by far. We cannot be that desperate to place shame on a religious temple. There are far more issues in our society that you can tax the hell out of. Let churches remain what they are, holy. If they are not following the guides of whichever "Higher Power" they worship, in time their consequences will be revealed.

The majority of Churches in this day are already impoverished, but still do their best to preach the word of God to our communities and lend help where needed. We cannot allow our government to interfere with Gods work and posses anymore powers than they already have.